Thursday, March 31, 2011

A Civics Exam

How Smart are you!
Only 49% of Americans are able to handle the 33 questions on this civics exam. Can you?

How young is too young?

A 12 year old boy has been charged with a hate crime in Staten Island. He pulled an Islamic head scarf off (hijab) of a fellow classmate. It is not the first time the boy, who has also been charged with aggravated harassment, has targeted the victim.

After a public uproar, Abercrombie and Fitch have pulled their padded bikini bra for young girls off the shelf. There was a huge public outcry when the product was first announced that the bra unnecessarily sexualized young girls.

The radiation spilling over from the Japan power plant has not only made its way into the United States, but reports are coming out that radiation has been found in milk in Washington state.

A Colorado man claims to have President Obama's birth records. In what can be described as a "questionable" investigation, a former Air force Col. Gregory Hollister claims to have obtained President Obama's social security number. According to Hollister, the number was never issued by the social security department. Hollister is facing federal charges of identity theft.

In what can be described as a sad state of affairs, the Egyptian Army has been accused for torturing women and forcing them to undergo virginity checks. These checks took place after Mubarak had resigned from office and the protests in Egypt had all but ended.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Movie Night with Mom....???

In Florida, police have arrested a 22 year old man for using an ax to force his mother to sit in the bedroom with him and watch movies. ummmmm.....

Are you looking for a new way to transport yourself and be safe?... Look no further than Nations Trucks in Sanford Florida. The dealership has double it sales by offering a free AK-47 with the purchase of new truck.

Oddly enough, Nations Trucks is not the first company to offer a free firearm with the purchase of their products. Radio Shack in Montana is offering a free pistol or shotgun to persons who purchase satellite television from dish network.

Missing your rubber duck?...So is the police academy in Yorkville Illinois. In fact, 2,500 rubber ducks intended for a fundraising event went missing a few days ago. I wonder if anyone has checked the bath tub?

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Israel Gone?

It has been a while since any news has really come from Egypt, especially given the situation is Libya. Today we learn however that EgyptAir, Egypt's largest airline company, has literally removed Egypt from the map of its destinations.

South Dakota has pass a new abortion restriction. Under the states new law, a woman cannot have an abortion until she has visited a counselor who is to first insure the woman wish to undergo the abortion voluntarily and second to insure the woman is informed of the physical and mental risks associated with abortion.

In California, 13 illegal immigrants were caught crossing the border while wearing Marine uniforms. How the men obtained the uniforms is still under investigation.

The earthquake in Japan, as many people may have noticed, is just one of a serious of large quakes that have shaken the globe in the last few years. Experts are now predicting that the United States is next on the list for a quake to hit in what is being called the Pacific "Ring of Fire."

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Want a long life?

A 90 year study has concluded that parental divorce during childhood is the single strongest predictor of early death in adulthood.

Food for thought: It is harder to find a good man than a good woman.

A Chinese study has concluded that Christianity is responsible for the success of the West. What amazes me about this study is that China is one of the less tolerant countries when it comes to Christianity.

Monday, March 21, 2011


According to a Newsweek poll, 38% of American citizens cannot pass the citizenship exam. You can take their quiz if you like.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Tsunami Photos

To see the full extend of the damage done by the tsunami, here are so good before and after photos of the Japan.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Tsunami in Japan

Our thoughts and prayers to victims of the quake and tsunami that has hit Japan.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The Final Landing for Shuttle Discovery

Space shuttle Discovery is expected to land in Florida just before noon today in what will be the shuttle's final landing after 27 years of service. Space shuttles Endeavour and Atlantis are slated for their last flights later this year.

Tensions in the Middle East continue as Gaddafi attempts to retain his power in Libya. Reports are that he has deployed tanks and large forces to quell the rebellion, sparing no one who opposes him, even women and children.

Here is an interesting twist to your common burglar story. A man in Oregon calls 911 and complains that the owner of the house his is robbing has just return home. "I think she's got guns," he cried. You can hear the 911 calls here.

In a very sad commentary on the economic conditions of America, CNBC is reporting that 35% of all Americans receive their pay from welfare checks.

Oh, what people will do to smuggle their drugs. A woman in Georgia was caught with a fake pregnant body suit, beneath which she had hidden 34,230 ecstasy pills. Police did not reveal the street value of the pills, but I'm guessing that it was a lot.

Monday, March 7, 2011


Police in North Carolina uncover a meth lab at a day care home. Enough said!

In California, they have uncovered fishing gear 12,000 years old. The instruments were very rudimentary. I find it fascinating to see how things were done years ago!

In a James Bond style robbery, a guy on an airplane was able to steel $238,000 from an airplane cargo hold by taking apart the toilet to get in.

A woman on a VirginBlu flight got quite a surprise when a flight attendant placed the woman's 17 month old child in the overhead compartment. Needless to say, the flight attendant was released from the company.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

News, news, news

The US Supreme Court has ruled in favor of the Westboro Baptist Church. The Church was under fire for its anti-gay protests at soldier funerals. The Court ruled 8-1 that free speech is protected even when the content of the speech itself is objectionable.

Illinois is facing a constitutional issue over the Second Amendment and the right to privacy. The Attorney General has order that all persons with concealed handgun licenses must have their names released to the public. State police, however, are refusing to release the names, saying the release of the information possess potential harm to gun owners and non-gun owners alike.

Texas is moving one step closer to putting new restrictions on abortion. A new state bill would require all women who want to get an abortion to first receive an ultrasound. The house and senate have slightly different versions of the bill. The house bill requires a 24hr wait period after the ultrasound before the the abortion may be performed. Oklahoma passed a similar law not so long ago and South Dakota has passed a law that requires a 72hr waiting period from the time of the appointment until the abortion itself.

Texas state lawmakers are currently considering an Arizona style immigration law. According to CBS, the bill is to help state officials enforce the Federal laws already on the books.

In England, the High Court has denied a couple the right to adapt children because they are anti-gay. It is not clear as to weather this decision will alter the courts decision last year when it ruled that private Catholic agencies do not have to consider gay couples in adaption procedures.

The US Supreme Court has recently ruled that private companies like AT&T are not persons and therefore do not possess the same rights to privacy as individuals. In other words, companies lack privacy rights when the Federal government requests information from them. It remains to be seen what type of personal information the government will have access to when it requests records from companies and what the government will be able to do with that information.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Argument leads to....

A man has been charged with attempted murder after he speeds over 100mph in his car with his wife holding onto the hood. Apparently, they had a argument which resulted with him stroming out of the house and into his car. Before he could take off, his wife jumped onto the hood of the vehicle. When police caught up with the couple, the wife was suffering from hypothermia, given the speeds of the car and the already low temperature of 45 degrees outside.

There is a really fun video circling the internet of a college students who grows out his beard for a year. The video is not just fun, it netted a second place award in a short film contest. Check it out.